
... it's like food to the mouth, air to the lungs, and sun to the living. I breathe it in, and so can you. Soak in these mellifluous syllables, and feel them as their fantastical utterances roll off the tongue...or eye.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The World Spins
Like a Never Ending Whirlpool;
The World Spins
Like The Rushing of a Tornado Gone South;
Oh how the World Spins,
When Dancing at the At World’s End.

The Sky Flies
Like the Depths of a Tsunami;
The Sky Flies
Like a winged bird being chased by a Dragon;
Oh how my sky flies,
When Leaping through the sunrise!

The Earth Shakes
When I land upon the soft ground.
The world shakes
Because I am here to astound.
Our world Shakes,
As it crumbles to the ground,
Which I stand upon,
Foot to the sky;
Hand to the mouth,
There is no sound.

-Madelaine Irene (Madel)