
... it's like food to the mouth, air to the lungs, and sun to the living. I breathe it in, and so can you. Soak in these mellifluous syllables, and feel them as their fantastical utterances roll off the tongue...or eye.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Breathing Love

A heart to heart discussion 
A melting of the soul 
They felt the rips and tugs 
Changing up the whole 
Picture of division 
Never to be seen 
Was this distant feeling 
Like two hills in a ravine. 

From a glint in his eyes 
To a whisper in her heart 
They fell deep in love 
A form of art 
Was now beginning to sculpt 
A lovely twisted form 
Like tree boughs intertwined 
Their hearts undefined. 

A love like this was madness 
It drove them crazy, too! 
But in the inner hearts 
They felt their parts were due 
To fall and rise together 
Like the breathing of the Sun 
And in their hearts they felt it 
“I love you, my passionate one!” 

“So breathe me in, my dearest 
Like the plants breathe the sun. 
Breathe me in, my dearest 
As if I am undone! 
Breathe me in, my sweetheart 
Like my heart desires you. 
Breathe me in, my darling 
Because our love is true.” 

-Madelaine Irene