
... it's like food to the mouth, air to the lungs, and sun to the living. I breathe it in, and so can you. Soak in these mellifluous syllables, and feel them as their fantastical utterances roll off the tongue...or eye.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Sister Just Died

My sister just died.
How it hurts to watch him do it.
Kill her that is,
As she cries on right through it.

My sister just died.
Nine years of age
With that devil whispering in the dark.
Nine years of age,
And she’s already struck from start.

My sister is dead.
And with her goes my heart.
Because her laugher is my heart,
And my ear hears my heart no more.

My sister lies cold,
Her lips still formed in the shape of her name.
“Mercy, mercy!” they cry,
Without any blame.

He glares through his smiles,
And bites with his eyes.
I wish he would curl up, and crawl up,
Because my sister is DEAD!
How could he do it?!
His heart wrenching grip,
Bruised up, I assure it!

And so she would as well,
Were it not in her grave,
That she lay at this moment,
With a gleaming tear upon her cheek
That wrestles with the decay of death’s way.

Oh, my sister’s soul stays,
In a horrid trapped way,
Apart of his torture
And apart of life’s lurid crime.

My sister is dead.
In her living state
By the beast that is fed
Her heart on a stake.

…But my sister’s death,
I will assure it,
Will not end, but rise,
With the resurrect of lives! 


Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The World Spins
Like a Never Ending Whirlpool;
The World Spins
Like The Rushing of a Tornado Gone South;
Oh how the World Spins,
When Dancing at the At World’s End.

The Sky Flies
Like the Depths of a Tsunami;
The Sky Flies
Like a winged bird being chased by a Dragon;
Oh how my sky flies,
When Leaping through the sunrise!

The Earth Shakes
When I land upon the soft ground.
The world shakes
Because I am here to astound.
Our world Shakes,
As it crumbles to the ground,
Which I stand upon,
Foot to the sky;
Hand to the mouth,
There is no sound.

-Madelaine Irene (Madel)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Murmers of the Soul

Beat her Heart
Under the Cold Silence that was 
Whispered her ear
In the Harshness of Night's
Cold Air.
Howled her Mind
Through the Moon's Haunted Light.
Clicked her Tongue
As it carried towards the
Easter Sun.

-Irene Martens

The Face Beneath The Cracks

Written on a Bridge

Below the cracks beneath me,
I see right through.
And in Repeating Patterns,
I see me, looking back at you.
"Hello!" I wave goodbye.
You wave goodbye, too.
And as I scratch my foot,
You show me your shoe.

"You've stomped my face!"
I shout.
You shout that out, too.
So I mimic you, 
Or whoever copied who,
And we both walk away,
Our shoes stuck like glue.
And looking through the cracks again?
Well, I never do.

-Madelaine Irene

The Call of the River & My Compass

The Call of the River

Here stands a bridge
Long, not tall.
Here stands a bridge,
I wonder why at all?
Here stands a bridge,
To stop me from a fall.
And yet here, with this bridge,
I cannot answer the River's Call.

My Compass

I walk under Shadow,
Above me a Grove of Green.
I walk over Sunlight,
Casting Patterns upon the Spotted Scene.
I walk towards Color;
Places I have never been.
I walk away from Glories,
That have yet to lose their sheen.

-Madelaine Irene

The Observer

Floweth The Water
So Sweet,
Amidst The Grassy Banks.
Tumbles The Water
So Daint,
Over The Glistening Stones.
The Bubbling Brook 
Chippers, So lively,
With Ducks and Turtles alike.
The Ripples Echo To-wards
The Crane's Dipped Beak,
Wrapping it's ringlets around
Embodied Forms Stationed Still.
Glimmers Underneath,
Small and Tad in size,
Weight Upon Their Backs
The Pool of Seven Tides.
Perched upon The Grassy Shore
A Girl with Streaming Hair Galore,
Observes the path of Righteous Lore,
And Writes, with Raptness,
The Words of Sounds that she doth Adore.

-Madelaine Irene

Two Short Verses

Green bursts through the hillside,
Like a clap of thunder
After the lightning strikes.
Blue glows in the ocean high,
With white streaks of day.
Sun streams through
The green on the hillside,
Dancing as though around a campfire.

 -Madelaine Irene

Two Twin Trees
Alongside Eachother.
Their Boughs Extend
Close To The Touch
But Not Close Enough
The Twig of a Twig
The Prick of A Leaf
The Tiniest Touch Stands
Between The Twin Trees
Together They'll Stand,
Two Twin Trees
Never To Touch
The other Untouched
Tree's Hand.

-Madelaine Irene

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Winged

Dedicated to Katheryn Mercy Ione Touchstone.  

"Goodbye," Whispers a hush in the wind.
The clouds blowing by, wish they could send,
A lyric so lovely, as the dark night's end.  

A pitter patter of feet, floating down the lane,
Make the flowers think, 
Of tears of summer rain.
Drip drip, they drop, 
Until the echos stop,
And then a hush whispers,
"Goodbye", to the wind.

"The wind is my friend,"
Claims a nightingale, 
Resting it's clevage, 
Upon a forest trail.
"My song I sing, and ring-a-ling,
It's carried away by the unseen string."

A hush deepens in the Great Oak,
The boughs protruding from it's trunk,
Twist and Turn like an old drunk.
And streaming from the Tree's Top,
Whisps of smoke, into the wind, hop.

"Goodbye," Whispers a hush in the wind,
The Black Breasted Sparrow, wishes it could lend,
It's wings to the Caterpillar,
Who's wings have yet to descend.

-Madelaine Irene

The Wind in the Breeze

A gust of wind
Flows over
An open valley filled
With daisies
And Rivers
And ducks yellow billed.

A gust of wind
Blows over
A forest oh so dense
With sunlight
And trees
Their arms in defense.

A gust of wind
Rolls over
The hills never ending
With Rocks
And Roads
Their paths ever bending.

A gust of wind
Deep into the sea,
Until the crashing waves
Dive back
To follow me.

-Madelaine Irene


A hollow log lay upon the open road.
A rabbit’s tail disappearing through the other end,
A pecker’s beak rapping tap tapping on the door,
A nut from a tree above falls upon its floor.

A hollow log lay upon the open road.
A cat sits perched upon its top,
A wind gusts through the tunnel, stop.
The cat jumps up into the air,
And soars away like a windblown hair.

A hollow log lay upon the open road.
A bear cub sleeping in its core,
A white crest covers the outer door,
Stillness creeps into the air,
The world seems quiet,
Too quiet,
Yet not enough to move or dare.

A hollow log lay upon the open road,
A sense of life is present again,
A cluster of flowers pops up through the ground,
And wakes the world with a shower of rain.

A hollow log lay upon the open road.
A past and present engraved in its skin,
It seeps itself into the earth,
Giving space for another life to begin.

-Madelaine Irene

Breathing Love

A heart to heart discussion 
A melting of the soul 
They felt the rips and tugs 
Changing up the whole 
Picture of division 
Never to be seen 
Was this distant feeling 
Like two hills in a ravine. 

From a glint in his eyes 
To a whisper in her heart 
They fell deep in love 
A form of art 
Was now beginning to sculpt 
A lovely twisted form 
Like tree boughs intertwined 
Their hearts undefined. 

A love like this was madness 
It drove them crazy, too! 
But in the inner hearts 
They felt their parts were due 
To fall and rise together 
Like the breathing of the Sun 
And in their hearts they felt it 
“I love you, my passionate one!” 

“So breathe me in, my dearest 
Like the plants breathe the sun. 
Breathe me in, my dearest 
As if I am undone! 
Breathe me in, my sweetheart 
Like my heart desires you. 
Breathe me in, my darling 
Because our love is true.” 

-Madelaine Irene

Beautiful Disaster

"Trickle, trickle, trickle,"
"Rush! Rush! Rush!"
Goes the sound of the passing 
Of the Deep Blue Gush,
As it sweeps along the fields, 
Rolling over rocks.

"Swish, swish, swish,"
"Slap! Slap! Slap!"
Is the sounding of the cat fish's 
Big tail, "Kerplat!"
As it zooms through the waters,
Jumping with the tides.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh,"
"Blow! Blow! Blow!"
Is the hearing of the wind's
Howling song of woe,
As it streams along the trees,
Making tears in the waters.

"Drip, drip, drip,"
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"
Shakes the voice of the thundering,
Demon of Doom!
As he shakes the world around,
Dropping it, in pieces, upon the dirty, wet, ground.

-Madelaine Irene

Beauty and Deceit

Staring out her window,
With her hair all in her face,
She saw with a blind eye,
Her surroundings,
From top to base:
The grass all dead and brown,
Reminded her of the inset frown,
Scowling at her reflection.
That reflection made her cry.

Peering out her window,
Tears covering her face,
She saw with her blurry eyes,
The heedlessness of grace:
The petals fallen upon the ground,
Stepped on, smashed; their beauty never to be found,
Reminded her of the reflection.
Reminded her of her own reflection.
Reminded her of what reflection,
Had gone and made her cry.

Gazing out her window,
Her lips quivering, breathing a sigh,
She saw with two wet, wide eyes,
The world about her,
Breathing; fall and rise.
The wind shook the dark brown leaves.
Watching one as it fell with ease,
She was reminded of everything;
Of all the pain that the reflection would bring…
Of all the pain that her reflection did bring.

Looking out her window,
Her body shaking with reverent cries,
She saw with her dried up eyes,
The darkness in all the lies.
The clouds gathering overhead;
The thunder booming, spreading dread,
Reminded her of the face,
Who laughed at her with disgrace.
And haunted her every pace,
Never giving up,
Never letting go.
Never letting this poor girl,
Find her her inner beauty, enough to let it show.

-Madelaine Irene